Monday, April 11, 2016

View Out the Window

Morning Readers,

I’ve been promising you that I would start talking about my painting process. So, let us begin.

I always try to have a small sketch book with me. When an idea for a painting pops in my head, I write it down. Later I will flip through the book, find the idea, and explore it. I let my mind wander, and come up with little details that I think will make the painting interesting. Once I’ve got an idea in my head of the basic design, then I get out my pen and start drawing. I might draw the same scene several times, moving things, trying different things, adding this or that. I keep at it until I find a drawing that I really like. Below is my finished sketch.

Next, I take a little dioxazine purple, or a mixture of Alizrine Crimson, and Ultramarine Blue, and add some drier and OMS to thin it out, and use it to draw the painting on the canvas. This is when the fun starts. Taking a blank canvas and seeing a painting grow out of the seed of my idea. After the drawing is completed, I use the same mixture and color in the shadows so they are fixed on the canvas.

The color comes next. I like to start with the sky and move forwards in the painting. Starting with the sunset and moving up or at the top and working down, they both work. I do whatever mood strikes me at the time.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this painting turns out. This is my first time to try something like this. You just never know what will pop up in a painting. To find out, you will have to check back later. 

Until next time, may God bless you,

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