Tuesday, April 26, 2016


I took my wife and daughter to go see Jungle Book at the theater the other night. It was very good. Might be too intense for little ones when it comes to the Forbidden City and the scene with the monkeys. King Louie was larger than life... LOL

I've been seeing a lot of beautiful sunrises lately and taking photos. I'm looking forward to painting them.

Well I've got a LOT to do today, so I better get at it. Sorry no new updates on the painting. I hope to finish it this weekend. I did paint the wall and the window trim. The pot is almost finished, now to add the plant, and I'm still thinking about adding a horse.  You will just have to wait and see.. :)

Until next time, take care,

Saturday, April 16, 2016

View Out the Window 4

Today I worked on the tree and the barn. I getting close to being finished with the "View", now I have to paint the trim around the window, the wall, table and the plant and pot on the table. If you were going to hang this painting in your house, what color wall would go well in your house? Here is a close up of the barn.

Above is the almost finished "View" out the window. I'm still debating on adding a horse or cow, I'm thinking the fence needs to be darker even though it is a white fence. I also need to work on the clouds a little. Horse or cow??? That is the question... :)

Until next time, thanks for reading!

Friday, April 15, 2016

View from a Window post 3

Well, today I had a wonderful time painting the hills, worked on the tree a little, and painted the barn. Since this is all from my imagination, I have to pick colors myself. I keep an interior color chip chart on the wall of my studio for just such an occasion. I like to pick colors that people use for their interiors so the painting will go well with their walls. After all, the ultimate goal is for this painting to be enjoyed by someone, and have it hanging on their wall. NOT collecting dust in my studio for years. So, here is the next few steps in the painting. I don't want a big dark hole in the middle of the painting where the barn door opening is. So, I've decided I will hang a lantern in the barn and have it illuminate the inside of the barn so there will be more details inside it. The trick here is for the light in the barn to not be brighter than the sunset, or maybe it should be. That would shift the interest to the barn, away from the sunset. Hmmmmm? I've still got to decide if I want a cow or horse on the other side of the fence. If you could vote, what would you vote for? A horse or cow? Drop me a message or email and let me know. Thanks for reading! OH! I bet you want to see the painting. Okay, here ya go.

 Until next time, be safe and God Bless!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

View From a Window step 2


Well, I've made more progress on the painting. The sky is almost finished. I will add more to the clouds, then step back and take a good look at the sky. I will use my trusty mirror to look at it, and get a fresh perspective. It is amazing how I can look at a painting and it will look great. Then turn around, hold up a mirror and see the painting reversed and "BOOM BABY" to quote my grand daughter, I can see something that doesn't look right. Here is the painting with the sky almost finished.

I've got a lot more creating to do. What color to paint the wall? What will grow out of the pot? Will there be a horse behind that fence, or a cow? So many questions. Keep reading my blog to find the answers. I've thought about selling it, and letting the purchaser tell me what color to use for the wall so it will match their decor.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 11, 2016

View Out the Window

Morning Readers,

I’ve been promising you that I would start talking about my painting process. So, let us begin.

I always try to have a small sketch book with me. When an idea for a painting pops in my head, I write it down. Later I will flip through the book, find the idea, and explore it. I let my mind wander, and come up with little details that I think will make the painting interesting. Once I’ve got an idea in my head of the basic design, then I get out my pen and start drawing. I might draw the same scene several times, moving things, trying different things, adding this or that. I keep at it until I find a drawing that I really like. Below is my finished sketch.

Next, I take a little dioxazine purple, or a mixture of Alizrine Crimson, and Ultramarine Blue, and add some drier and OMS to thin it out, and use it to draw the painting on the canvas. This is when the fun starts. Taking a blank canvas and seeing a painting grow out of the seed of my idea. After the drawing is completed, I use the same mixture and color in the shadows so they are fixed on the canvas.

The color comes next. I like to start with the sky and move forwards in the painting. Starting with the sunset and moving up or at the top and working down, they both work. I do whatever mood strikes me at the time.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this painting turns out. This is my first time to try something like this. You just never know what will pop up in a painting. To find out, you will have to check back later. 

Until next time, may God bless you,

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Well I just wanted to let all my readers know that in May I will be competing in a plein air event in Fulton Missouri. I've GOT to get out and practice some plein air paintings. Most of yesterday was spent blowing insulation into my attic, something I've been wanting to do for over 20 years. Well, I need to get to my studio and paint. I've got a long to do list. I promise I will get photos of my recent paintings and share them with you soon. I've been thinking I would like to take photos of my paintings in various stages and talk a little about what I'm doing.

Until next time,