Sunday, May 1, 2016


I may look at it again tomorrow and see something that needs to be fixed, but for now, the painting is finished. It's taken me longer than I thought it would to finish this one. Finding time to paint lately has been a challenge. Lawnmower is broken, garden needs planting, garden beds need turning, and it rained all weekend. The rain gave me a chance to clean my studio, and work on finishing my wife's closet remodeling project. I've kind of been dreading finishing this painting. I know what I WANTED it to look like, sometimes paintings don't turn out the way I envision them. Painting the small potted iris plant by the window was a fun challenge. Now that I've finished this painting, I'm ready to get out doors and paint some plein air for the up coming Plein Air Competition in Fulton this month. If you're in the neighborhood, it is May 26 through the 29th. It is in the "Brick District" of Fulton, where the roads are paved in brick. The Art House is hosting this wonderful event. I will be participating, so I've got to get brushed up on my on location painting skills. This first picture is a close up of the Iris I painted in the window.

This is the finished painting.
I hope you've enjoyed seeing the progress of this painting. I've got other ideas for more Views Out the Window.

Until next time,